Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Dear Readers,
I have decided that I'm going to take a break from writing for awhile. I participated in National Novel Writing Month this November and that sucked away all of my reading time so I have gotten very behind. I will come back into 2017 with more to say about books! I promise! :) Have a good Holiday Season!


Friday, December 9, 2016

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Step into the life of Louie Zamperini, a trouble maker to war prisoner. This book starts with Louie as a young boy and continues through his journey through life. This book shows what he went through during WWII as a bombardier as well as getting captured by the Japanese and surviving through POW camps. I read this book for school but I'm glad I had to. I would have never come to this on my own but I loved it and am glad I read it. I recommend this book to people who like reading about world war two or just war in general. It's filled with facts but told through personal stories that make it easier to read.

Books like this (according to goodreads)
In Harms Way by Doug Stanton
The Heart and The Fist by Eric Greitens 
An Army at Dawn by Rick Atkinson 

Check it out!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Time Stoppers by Carrie Jones

Annie thought that she was just a normal girl with no parents stuck moving from foster family to foster family. Until one day she is put in an exceptionally awful home where she is told not to make noise and just stay out of the way. Jamie is about the same age as Annie and lives with his Grandmother and Father who are both terrible to him. One day Annie gets chased by a giant creature that seems to want to eat her, she is saved by one of the dogs at her new foster home. She is taken somewhere named Avalon, a home for magical creatures. I loved this book for so many reasons. It takes place where I'm from so it's relatable, and easier to imagine. Even though it's an easier level book the story is interesting enough to keep even adults interested. I recommend this book to middle schoolers who like adventure and magical creatures, and if you're older and want a good, quick, and easy read then you will probably like this book too. 

Other books like this!
Lost Children of the Far Islands by Emily Raabe
This is Not a Werewolf Story by Saundra Evans
A Sliver of Stardust by Marissa Burt

Check it out!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Happily Ever After by Kiera Cass

This is definitely a selection lover book. It is filled with wonderful short stories about Amberly, Maxon, Celeste, Aspen, Marlee and some other stories to add to the Selection. I loved this book because I just loved the whole Selection series and seeing behind the scenes of different characters and what happened afterwards. Like the Selection this book has many reviewers who either hate this book or love it. First of all, why would you read this book if you didn't like the selection series and then write a review complaining about how you didn't like it? Please don't read this book if you didn't like the Selection series. If you loved the Selection series, like me, you will also love this. This book gives you stories about Marlee, and Celeste as well as stories about what happened to everyone after the selection.

Books like this!
The Selection Series by Kiera Cass (obviously)

Check it out!

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer’s book is exactly like her, hilarious, witty and opinionated. This book is full of stories about her life, how she feels about certain things, and some parts are just her talking. She gets personal but even with the harder topics about her life she always manages to make you laugh.. There are so many reviews about this book out there that say that they enjoyed this book more than other comedian's autobiographies. There are a few reviews where people say that it was boring and they didn't like it. Personally I found it hilarious and found myself laughing out loud more than once. In my opinion you will like this book if... you love Amy Schumer, or even if you have sort of heard of her but love to laugh (like me). I have never really read an autobiography before, other than for school because I always thought that they'd be boring but this book is anything but. It is long, and did take me a lot longer than fiction books do but it was definitely worth the time and the read.

According to Goodreads, other books like this:
Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick
A Field Guide to Awkward Silences by Alexandra Petri
You'll Grow Out Of It by Jessi Klein

Friday, November 18, 2016

Sirensong by Jenna Black

Dana’s life just can’t get back to normal which, with who her father is and her being a Faeriewalker, it's no surprise. Dana gets invited to Faerie by one of the queens but everyone is afraid it will be too dangerous, but if she were to not go it could put her in even more danger. So Dana, her father, Ethan, Kimber, Keene and some other guards as well as the queen's son, Prince Henry, all set of for the queen's palace in Faerie. It’s a rough journey through Faerie but they finally make it to find out that not everyone is who they say they are and then something goes completely wrong sending Dana running for her life. My favorite thing about this book is that you get to learn more about Faerie since it doesn't mainly take place in Avalon. In the first two books I was always curious about Faerie in general and what Dana would think of it. If you had any questions about Faerie this book helps answer them. To me Faerie reminds me of the City of Glass in Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments Series. This book is definitely for the Fae lovers and anyone who enjoyed the first two books, it is a nice addition to the series.

More books like this series!
Need by Carrie Jones
Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner

Check it out!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu

Lucy’s mom is a hoarder, like a get on the show "Hoarders" kind of hoarder. Lucy doesn’t tell anyone about her mom and hasn’t her whole life. None of her friends have ever been to her house and the only people who know is her and her siblings. This secret has been kept for a long time until Lucy is faced with a problem where she might have to tell everyone. But still she fights and works to keep it hidden. This book was emotional, controversial and in some way gross. It is wonderfully descriptive and mainly takes place in Lucy's head. If you don't know what living with a hoarder is like this book is so descriptive you practically live it yourself. It takes place in only 24 hours and the pace is perfect. I recommend this book to people who like deep topics, ones that you have to be brave to really delve into. This book is not for the faint of heart or sensitive people. It's dramatic, descriptive, and so deep.

Books like this!
We Were Liars by E.L. Lockhart
Cut by Patricia McCormik
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

Check it out!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Revived by Cat Patrick

Daisy is apart of a secret government mission that involves her being brought back to life after a bus crash she was in when she was young. Whenever she dies throughout her life they use a serum called revived to bring her back, each time they have to move again and change last names. Everything flows fairly smoothly in her life until she moves after an allergic reaction to bees. In her new town she meets Matt and Audrey McKean who change her life and cause her to start questioning everything. This book is definitely on my top 5 right now. It was very well written and different from the normal flow of YA books lately. Most people either LOVE this book or hate it. I recommend this book to the slight adventure with a little romance seekers.

Books like this!
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau
The Unquiet by Jeannine Garsee
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Check it out!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Another Day by David Levithan

This is the ‘sequel’ of Everyday. It essentially is the same story but in Rhiannon’s perspective. It shows her side of things, and how she felt. I honestly don't know what to say about this book. I liked seeing the other side of Everyday but it was more repetitive. I guess if you liked Everyday you'd like this one. I do agree with most reviewers that Everyday did not need a sequel, it was good stand alone. Don't go into this book thinking that it's a continuation of the first one. You WILL be disappointed.

Check it out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fracture by Megan Miranda

Delaney Maxwell died. There’s no other way to describe it. Her heart stopped and her body shut down bust somehow after about 30 minutes of CPR she came back. Ever since she came back she gets strange pulls and sensations that she can’t control or explain, and she doesn’t know if it something she should be scared of or something to embrace. I'm not going to lie, this isn't one of my favorite books. It's good but it was also very confusing, I never really could tell where the author was trying to go. I just found out that there is a sequel and that does make a lot more sense. Even though I didn't particularly like this book I am curious to read the sequel. I honestly don't know who to recommend this book to, and it's not because it sucked it's just because it's really hard for me to even explain what it's about. So I'm just going to leave you with some books I think that are similar to it.

Books like this!
Every Day by David Levithan
Just One Day by Gayle Foreman

Check it out!

Monday, November 7, 2016

If I Should Die by Amy Plum

After the shocking ending of the last book how can you not read this one??? Vincent is gone, SAY WHAT??? This book starts off with Kate and Vincent’s kindred are trying to figure out how to save Vincent before Violet destroys him for good. Even though Vincent is gone, Kate won't give up the sliver of hope there is to save him. Violet is about to start a full out war with the revenants and there’s no way to avoid it. The ending of this book is absolutely amazing! It honestly couldn't have ended any better. Like all fans of this series I do want another book but you always feel that with a really good series. As much as I want this story to continue I just feel like it would be stretching it too far. Ever story has an end eventually.

Books like this!
Fallen by Lauren Kate
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Friday, November 4, 2016

The Siren by Kiera Cass

Kahlan and her family get into a shipwreck and there is a point in time where she knows that it’s almost inevitable that they’re all going to die. Suddenly a voice in her head asks if she wants to live, and she says yes not knowing the strings attached to it. After agreeing to live, she is destined to become a siren that is bound by the ocean for hundreds of years. She isn't allowed to speak to anyone but other sirens, she moves from place to place with her other sister sirens. This book isn't a romance novel. There is romance in it but it is mainly filled with family, travel, and mystery. I recommend this to three type of people. One, lovers of Kiera Cass because if you loved her voice and writing in her other books you'll love this one. Two, if you like stories with ocean and mermaids. Three, you definitely should read this book if you like both of these things!

Books like this!
(haven't read too many books like this but goodreads recommends)
Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson
Lure by Stephanie Jenkins
Seven Tears Into the Sea by Terri Farley

Check it out!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

Sebastian Morgenstern, Clary’s brother, is wreaking havoc on the world again, turning shadow hunters against each other. He has found a way to turn shadow hunters into a nightmarish creature, and he uses these newly made creatures to create an army. Of course Clary and Jace must help the other shadow hunters to stop him but like all things in their life, it isn’t without sacrifice.This is the final book in what's been a very long series. I do agree it should have stopped sooner but that doesn't make me love it any less. Although long and repetitive I have not read anything quite unique. I give this series as a whole 4.5 stars. I will say if you are interested in this series be prepared for a long run, it took me all summer and that was reading almost all of the time.

Series like this!
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Fallen by Lauren Kate
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Check it out!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Forgotten by Cat Patrick

London Lane forgets her past but remembers her future. Every morning when London wakes up she doesn’t know anything about the day before, no one knows why. She gets through it by reading the notes she leaves herself each night. This system works until she meets someone who knows her from the past and knows her secret. This book is mysterious and I love this author's writing. There's secrets, puzzles, and even romance! Not for the action lovers but definitely for the people that sort of like romance but not full Nicolas Sparks style.

Books like this!
Every Day by David Levithan
Where Ever You Go by Heather Davis

Friday, October 28, 2016

Until I Die by Amy Plum

Kate and Vincent can finally be together, with no threats, like they've wanted all along. But they soon realize that there is one thing that they can’t get around, and that's Vincent's fate. Kate can’t handle death all of the time after her own parents death, but that’s Vincent’s lifestyle, he is drawn to dying for other people. Another part of who Vincent is is that he's immortal, there's not much they can do to get around that; someday Kate will die and Vincent will still roam the earth for years later. Vincent promises Kate that he will try his best to live a normal life but then a new enemy arises. This is a classic "second book" but still just as captivating and thrilling as the first. This book does bring you deeper into the history and lore of the revenants.

Books like this!
Fallen by Lauren Kate
Dearly Beloved by Lia Habel

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Crown by Kiera Cass

Eadlyn continues her selection even though she has to pick up more duties ever since her mother got sick. It’s a hard job balancing both the kingdom and the selection but Eadlyn is tough and can handle a lot. Suddenly someone new comes in her life and tries to get her to marry him. When she finds out his actions aren’t exactly in her best interest she is forced into rushing her decision of who will have her hand. I loved this whole series, when I finished The One and found out that she continued the series I didn't think twice about continuing reading it. Oh man am I so glad that I did! Eadlyn by far makes this whole series, she's spunky like her mother was, but still authoritative like her father. Everything gets put on her shoulders but she holds it up with pride. I hate the amount of people that have rated this book poorly, it's ridiculous, don't even bother reading them; the reviewers on goodreads that didn't like this book or series in general have very nit-picky reasons that should just be ignored. Life is too short to criticize EVERY LITTLE THING that the author does that you don't like. This book is the perfect ending to the whole series and in my opinion is worth the read.

Books like this!
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Check it out!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Minders by Michele Jaffe

Sadie enters a program where her mind/conciseness is put into someone else’s brain to study the differences between a criminal mind and a non-criminal mind. She is supposed to study, and report back, and most of all she is not allowed to let the "host" she's in know she's there. Sadie has a hard time feeling unattached to the mind she’s in and her task becomes even harder when she starts to fall in love with him. This book is breathtaking and shocking. It is definitely a book I would suggest to sci-fi, futuristic and action lovers. The relationship you build with Sadie and her host throughout this book is unforgettable. The author went so in depth with detail and clearly thought it out well. Her goal and set up was well executed with feelings and actions drawn out on the page. Everyone, seriously, add this to your MUST read list!

Books like this!
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau
Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Seriously check it out!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn

Miles grew up admiring her cousin Laura, always feeling like she is living in her shadow but she honestly doesn't mind. They were as close as sisters, but when Laura commits suicide Miles is alone and goes into a downward spiral filled with cigarettes and alcohol. Her friend tries to help her but she just keeps shutting everyone out. But when she realizes she has more support and isn’t as alone as she thought, she is able to rebuild her life in unexpected ways. This book is filled with characters that you'll just fall in love with!

Books like this!
Cut by Patricia McCormick
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

Now that the Mortal War is over and Clary is back in New York, she is training to be a Shadowhunter and how to use her unique powers. There is now peace between Downworlders and Shadowhunters and Clary’s mother is finally going to marry Luke! Even Clary and Jace can finally start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend! Everything is going well until someone starts mysteriously killing Shadowhunters and Jace starts pulling away from Clary. By now some people are a little tired of this story, it seems to be same old same old and I was like that too but I couldn't leave the characters just yet. If you like the characters in this series then why not just say what the heck and read this!

Check it out!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Die for Me by Amy Plum

When Kate’s parents die in an accident Kate and her sister Georgia move to Paris to live with their grandparents. Kate isn’t the type to branch out, and after moving to Paris she mostly spends her time reading at a cafe or admiring work at the museums. Then she meets a mysterious guy named Vincent and she soon learns he’s not who she thinks he is. This book is full of romance and adventure. I love how awkward it is when Vincent and Kate first meet. This book is kind of formally written but I don't think it makes the book even less powerful. I recommend this to anyone who like a good immortal romance.

Books like this!
Fallen by Lauren Kate
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Check it out!

Friday, October 14, 2016

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

This story begins with a beautiful, rich family, with their own island. Cadence loves going to her family’s island in the summer. Her and her 3 other cousins call themselves the liars and the island is the only place they get to hang out together. She goes to the island every year but then some accident happened that she doesn’t remember and she’s not allowed to go back. This books is captivating and mysterious. It's very powerful and well crafted. My favorite thing about it is the back, it says that if someone asks you how it ends lie, and that's exactly what you should do!

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dark Souls by Paula Morris

After someone close to Miranda dies in a car accident, she realizes she can see ghosts. Both Miranda and her brother have taken the car accident badly so Miranda's parents decide to take a trip to York, England and when she gets there she realizes that it’s filled with ghosts. Miranda didn't have much plans of doing anything while in York but then she meets someone mysterious that seems to know about the ghosts too. She is naturally curious about being able to see the ghosts so she tries to learn more but it leads her down a dangerous path. I recommend this to people who like ghosty and mysterious stories. It definitely doesn't scare your pants off but I was a little spooked reading it in a dimly lit room with no one else in the house.

Books like this!
(I haven't read many books like this but Goodreads recommends)
Frost by Mirianna Baer
Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer
After Obsession by Carrie Jones

Check it out!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Off the Page by Jodi Picoult

Now that Oliver is in Delilah’s world he has somethings to get used to, things are a lot different in real life than in his book. Everything is going great until a message from the book pops out asking for help and Edgar's mom gets sick. Soon Delilah and Oliver realize there’s no way to keep him in her world, he has to go back. When Edgar finds out about his mom he wants to be with her. Edgar wants to be with his mom and Oliver wants to be with Delilah so they have to figure out another way. This book was so fun to read and I love love the story line. It was also way less predictable than the first book and totally still enjoyable! I recommend this to anyone who loved the first one and who absolutely loves fairytales. This is a story for the book lovers who have always wanted their characters to come to life.

Books like this!
Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira
Wicked by Gregory Maguire

Check it out!

Friday, October 7, 2016

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

Clary has to go to the Glass City to save her mother but it becomes a lot more complicated when she finds out that Jace doesn’t want her to go to the city. He doesn't even want her near it. It is also illegal to enter the city without permission which she doesn't have. When she illegally enters the city she finds an ally named Sebastian who starts to help her learn more about her family and how to stop Valentine. Clary fights to save her mother and the rest of the world to find Valentine and it is definitely not easy. This series does feel like it keeps going, and going, repeating what feels kind of like the same story over again. I love the story and series as well as Cassandra Clare but I can see how some people would think it goes a little far.

Books like this!
Demon Glass by Rachel Hawkins
Die For Me by Amy Plum
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Endure by Carrie Jones

The battle of the pixies continues and is getting worse. Although Zara did rescue Nick nothing has changed. Nick is mad at Zara and she doesn't think she will ever earn back his trust. She has a lot of responsibilities now that she's not only a pixie but a pixie queen! Nick's recent feelings toward Zara has pushed her away and closer to Astly, she might even start having feelings for him. This book is definitely for Zara and Astly fans, they become closer and closer throughout this whole book. Most of the crappy reviews about it are just from haters of the series as a whole. I love this series and love this book! If you loved the rest of the series you'll totally love this book too.

Books like this!
Siren Song by Jenna Black
Arise by Tara Hudson

Check it out!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Cut by Patricia McCormick

Callie cuts herself, never too deep just enough to feel the pain. She gets put into Saint Pines, a treatment facility, when her parents decide they don't know how to help her. Callie has nothing to do with anyone at the facility, she just keeps to herself. But throughout the story she slowly opens up and even starts to make friends. Callie wants to get better and go home but she doesn't think she can stop cutting. I'll admit this book was a little different and strange. Having dealt with this sort of stuff it was a little rough at some points for me to read. This book is very controversial, as is this topic in society today, so there are a lot of mixed reviews on this book. I think that you should read this book if you're curious about cutting, depression or these kind of treatment facilities. I will warn you if you have a history of cutting this could be a very triggering book for you, as it was for me.

Books like this!
I'll admit, I've never read a book like this but Goodreads suggests:
Cutters Don't Cry by Christine Dzidrums
The Luckiest Girl In the World by Steven Levenkron
Scars by Sheryl Rainfield

Check it out!

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

Caymen has always had strong opinions toward rich people, mostly fed to her by her mother. The only thing she knows about her dad is that his family has a ton of money and her mother was paid off by them when she got pregnant. She’s never felt like they were anything more than rich and wasteful with money. Then one day while she was working at her mother's doll shop, Xander comes in and her opinion about rich people slowly changes. First of all, I love love love Caymen. She's witty, sarcastic and funny, she is totally my favorite! I think that's what made this book so enjoyable! If you like a strong female main character you will enjoy this book. Also Kasie West's writing is amazing! And this cover is just adorable!

Books like this!

Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira
Weird Girl and What's His Name by Meagan Brothers

Check it out!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Heir by Kiera Cass

Twenty years ago America Singer was in the selection where she was chosen by Prince Maxon and made queen, now her daughter Eadelyn is being forced to have a selection of her own. Eadelyn wants nothing to do with it but her parents feel like it's the distraction the kingdom needs. All she wants is to be her own independent leader no king needed. She by no means thinks it will end in romance but as the course of the selection goes on she realizes it isn't as impossible as she thought it'd be. Eadelyn takes some getting used to character wise, she can be a little mean and not as likable. If you didn't like The Selection don't read this book, I promise you that you will not like this one. BUT if you loved The Selection as much as I did stop reading this now and start reading the book!!

Books like this series!
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Check it out!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult

Delilah loves books and would rather just stay in her book than be in the real world. Her mother is worried about her, especially when she find an old fairytale book at the library and reads it over and over again. One day when Delilah is reading the book she realizes that the main character, Oliver can talk to her. All Oliver wants to do is get out of the story he’s been made to replay over and over again his whole life and thinks that Delilah can help him get out of the book. I loved the concept of this book and even liked how it was executed. I felt like it was simpler then my actual reading level but I don't think there's anything wrong with reading below your reading level once and awhile. I recommend this book to anyone who loves books and who have a little fairytale in their heart.

Books like this!
Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
The Selection by Kiera Cass

Check it out!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Entice by Carrie Jones

Nick is gone, killed by some evil, mystical thing, and no where to be found. He gets taken right in the middle of a large pixie attack going on in Bedford. Pixies are taking students and more and more people have just disappeared. Zara knows she’s supposed to be with Nick, he's her soulmate, but in order to get him back she has to kiss Astley and become his pixie queen. Kissing him will turn her pixie making her stronger and it will also give Astley more power. Zara worries that even when they find Nick he won’t even want to be with her when he finds out what she’s done. No one hates pixies more than him. This book made me re-think who Zara should be with. Until this book I felt it was supposed to be her and Nick all the way but this book made me reconsider the possibility of her being with Astley. He clearly cares about her, more than just needing a queen, he spends the whole book helping her find Nick because he's who she cares about. I love this series so far and if you've been through book one and two you'll love this one too!

Books like this series!

Glimmerglass by Jenna Black
Evermore by Alyson Noel

Check it out!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

Clary just wants to go back to her normal life and be done with the Shadow world but that’s kind of hard since her mother is in a magical coma. Things with her life has changed a lot since she started being able to see the shadow world and since she found out Jace is her brother. Ever since Jace and Clary found out that they're siblings Jace has been acting cold and crass towards Clary making her have an even harder time coping with everything that's going on in her life. She has Simon, and their relationship is growing but he doesn't understand as much as she wishes he could. I had a hard time putting this book down. It was a lot of non stop, what's going to happen next, kind of stuff. Definitely more exciting then the first book (not that I didn't love the first one). Many people have a problem with everything about Jace and Clary, I'd just like to say this. They didn't do anything 'gross' enough to call it incest. I also am of the belief it'd be grosser if they grew up as brother and sister, but they didn't. I'm not say that that makes incest okay I'm just saying it's not as disgusting as many reviewers make it out to be. I recommend this book to anyone who genuinely liked the first one.

Books like this!
Need by Carrie Jones
Fallen by Lauren Kate

Check it out!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix

This book is about what happens to Cinderella after she finds her prince. And the reality of what happens isn’t all "Happily Ever After" like she thought it’d be and what most people think it was. Once she moved to the castle Ella had to take boring classes and learn everything she didn’t grow up learning, like how to needle point and be a princess. Ella soon realizes that she is not made to become queen or even be a princess but it is harder to break off the engagement than she thought it would be. I have to say this first off, I was not a fan of this book. I love the concept but for me it could have been more elaborate and well written. The main problem that I and other reviewers had with this book was how annoying and unlikeable Ella is. It's really hard to like a book when the main character is unlikeable. I can't even put my finger on it. Another thing that kept me from diving into this book was how simply written it was, I think that this would be a great bed time story to read to a 10 year-old but it should not be catagorized as young adult. I mainly recommend this book to Cinderella lovers who can't get enough or middle schoolers.

Books like this!
Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Friday, September 16, 2016

The One by Kiera Cass

It's getting closer to the time America never thought would come. When she first got chosen to be in the selection she didn't want to even be in the selection and she never thought she'd last this long. She never thought she’d be this close to the crown and actually want it. She's had to fight even harder for Maxon now that she's waited so long to tell him how she really feels. With attacks on the palace walls happening by the rebels there is a lot of pressure on everyone and they are just the start of the problems everyone is afraid will inevitably happen. Like most complaints about these books they aren't much different with this one. It's the classic problem with America's uncertain emotions that gets everyone all upset but I honestly believe that if you just push past it it's easy to ignore and just enjoy the story.

Books like this!
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Check it out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Captivate by Carrie Jones

After Zara and her friends successfully locked up all of the pixies, including Zara's father, a new king comes to town. With the king locked up, losing his control he has over the other pixies, things are chaotic in Bedford. Then Astley comes into town. He is a lot younger that her father, the only other king she's met, and he intrigues Zara. Nick, being the protective boyfriend he is, of course hates Astley's presence and it causes friction between him and Zara. But soon Zara has no choice but to work with Astley to help control the pixies. The first half of this book is mostly just taking off from where Need left off and building Nick and Zara's relationship. This is definitely a must read for the series but as many reviews do say, it's a boring book compared to the first one. If you loved Need this is a book you should push through to get through the rest of the series!

Books like this!
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black

Check it out!

Monday, September 12, 2016

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Clary Fray thinks she’s just a normal girl but when she goes to a club with her best friend, Simon, she sees something no one else does. Nobody notices a fight that goes on but her and after that her life completely started to change. She continues to see these people and things that no one else does. When she meets Jace, a Shadowhunter, he helps her understand what is going on. Then her mom gets kidnapped and Clary’s forced into the Shadowhunter world at full force. To my surprise there are a lot of people who think this book is poorly written and boring. I guess being in high school doesn't qualify me to truly judge but I do have enough education and reading knowledge to know I disagree with this. I found this book intriguing and suspenseful. But what I do have to say that completely sucks, DO NOT listen to the audio version. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good fantasy story. Shadowhunters are a new twist added into the supernatural world of books :)

Books like this!
Need by Carrie Jones
Fallen by Lauren Kate
Die for Me by Amy Plum

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg

Brie literally died of a broken heart. I'm not even kidding. Trust me, when I read the back of this book I laughed and was really worried it'd be totally lame because dying of a literal broken heart? Really? I picked it up and started reading it, it starts out very confusing but all in all it did surprise me. When Brie crosses over to ‘the other side’ she meets someone named Patrick, and he helps her out and tries to help her understand everything. All Brie wants to do is go back to her old life and when she finds out she can at least go and see her family of course she wants to! Patrick takes her to see her family she finds out that they are falling apart. Brie tries to find a way to help them and get the happily ever after she always wanted. To my surprise there are so many wonderful reviews about this book, I'm not surprised because I thought it sucked I just always find books that have shitty reviews and didn't think this would be any different. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good broken heart story. I will warn you though, this one may have a twist! Overall this was a very good book.

check it out!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Elite by Kiera Cass

It's now down to 6 girls all competing for Prince Maxon's heart and the competition is heating up! America is struggling with the choice between Maxon and Aspen, all she wants is more time but she's running out of it. Both Maxon and Aspen want her to decide but she doesn't want to lose either of them. This book does move rather slowly, as many people say in reviews, but I find it a necessary part in the series. America is very indecisive with her emotions in this book and it can feel slightly obsessive. It takes a lot to put up with and push back the constant back and forth of her love for Maxon or Aspen. This may be the classic 'filler book' but don't give up on the series, I honestly feel like if you enjoyed the first book you need to just push past this one to get to the rest! 

Ignore the reviews, just read it!!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Need by Carrie Jones

 Zara is obsessed with phobias, that’s her thing. She feels that if you know the name to something it’s not as scary. When she moved to Maine to be with her grandmother she saw someone that she thought she saw back at her old house. She tries to convince herself it's all in her head but she can’t prevent the feeling that she is being stalked. She soon finds out that this man stalking her isn’t human and that she's not the only one who can see him, he leaves behind a strange gold dust and his footprints just stop like he's disappeared. This book is filled with magic, and adventure. I recommend this book to anyone who liked Glimmerglass by Jenna Black or just anyone who likes a good mystical story. Now there are a lot of thumbs down reviews on this book and they all make okay points. Many reviews compare the beginning of this book to Twilight, awkward girl, bad family situation, whatever. I was a Twilight fan just like any other teenage girl but I honestly disagree with this. There's not enough resemblance to Twilight to not read this amazing book because of that. This book is well written and completely worth the read.

Books like this!
Fallen by Lauren Kate
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Check it out!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

I'm back!!

School is back in session and I am so ready to start back up again! First blog post of the school year (like besides this one) will be Monday the 5th!!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

On account of the fact it is the 4th today I will not be posting a blog post today. Enjoy your 4th of July, and keep reading :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

15931The Notebook is a beautiful story told by a man named Noah. Noah and his wife are both in a nursing home when the book takes place. Noah's wife Allie has dementia and can't remember who Noah is, but Noah goes to her everyday and tells her their story. The book starts off with Allie coming back to town and going to see Noah, it had been years since they saw each other. Allie was married and Noah had just bought the house he promised long ago to fix up for her. And just like that the story of Allie and Noah is told. With flashes of present and past this story is a whirlwind of love and sadness. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good romance, like full out no other stuff in between romance. 

Check it out!

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Selection by Kiera Cass

 The Bachelor meets royalty, the Selection is where 35 girls get chosen to go to the castle and fight to get chosen by the prince. America Singer is a 5, one of the lowest castes, and gets chosen for the Selection. This is the last thing she wanted, she just applied to make her mother and her secret boy friend happy. She's in love with someone else, and even tells Prince Maxon this, but he keeps her in the Selection so she can keep getting money for her family. Maxon admits that he's fallen for America and she doesn't know how she feels about it. Will she fight for Maxon's heart or leave the Selection for good? I recommend this to people who like a good royal story, but still likes a little drama and excitement. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tonight the Streets Are Ours by Leila Sales

Arden is just a normal girl with a crapy life, her mom left her and her brother, and her dad works all of the time. Arden stumbles upon a blog called Tonight the Streets Are Ours, it is basically just someone's diary. She keeps reading it and then when her boy friend ditches their anniversary plans she decides to go find him in New York, but he's not everything she thought he'd be. I recommend this to anyone who likes a good love story, and travel tales. It is one of those read in one night reads, and totally keeps you on your toes. 

Check it out!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder

Hannah and Zoe are best friends, they always have had each other. Zoe thinks she was abducted by aliens and that they are calling back to her. She tells Hannah that she needs to leave New Jersey, so as Zoe's lifetime best friend Hannah gets in her car with Zoe and they leave. Zoe wants to teach Hannah about all intangible things and get her to have more in her life. Hannah just wants to help Zoe but she's run out of way to help her. I recommend this book to someone who likes road trip adventures and some slight tragedy. Zoe and Hannah's adventure is suspenseful and crazy, this is a completely exhilarating read. 

Check it out!

Monday, June 20, 2016

It's All Your Fault by Paul Rudnick

Caitlyn is your classic good girl. She had never had alcohol, kissed a boy, or done anything fun or crazy. Caitlyn was asked to keep her cousin, Heller, on track before her movie opening. Heller is a wild card and brings out the worst in Caitlyn. Heller has to spend a day with a girl who has cancer, but she has other plans for how the day is going to go. After a long chain of events Caitlyn is in jail with her ears pierced and a tattoo. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good adventure tale of teens gone crazy. 

Check it out!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau

This is the final book in the Testing series. In this book Cia is on her way to getting rid of the testing completely but she finds that she can't do it alone. Finding out who she can and cannot trust is a very hard task but she must do it. This is a very action packed and suspenseful book. It was a great way to end Cia's story and answer some questions about the Testing. I recommend this for anyone who loved the others, it's a must read. This series is definitely for those Hunger Games and Divergent lovers! I recommend it :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Every Day by David Levithan

A is someone new everyday, until one day he wakes up someone named Justin. Justin is not the greatest to his lovely girlfriend but A gives her a great day, one that A will never forget. A falls in love with Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon, and continues every day as a new person and tries to find her. Being someone new everyday makes it hard for A to form a relationship with her but he begins to find a way. This story is confusing but still fairly riveting. I recommend this to anyone who also loved the Fallen series, this story reminds me of that. If you like tragic romance and some adventure then you might like this book.

Check it out!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Phoebe Martin is a major book lover with many book boyfriends. This makes it a lot harder to find a real life boyfriend because her books have raised her expectations. One of her best friends tries to get her to ask out a boy that she thinks is perfect for her but Phoebe doesn't agree. Eventually the boy loses interest and finds a girlfriend, or so Phoebe thinks. After many shoves and pushes Phoebe develops a crush on him but now he has a girlfriend. She does everything to avoid him and is fairly successful but then they are camp counselors together. This love story is so sweet and makes you go 'awwwww' at the end. It is a fast, easy read but completely enjoyable, and it is very easy to relate to (especially if you're a nerdy book lover like me!). I recommend this to anyone, even if you're not a romance fan. This is a different kind of love story and is not too gushy and romantic. It makes you laugh right out loud and truly pulls you in by each character.

I strongly recommend that you check it out!!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

In this world there is silver blood and red blood. If you’re silver you’re practically royalty living a luxurious lifestyle in a time where others are struggling. But if you’re red you’re pretty much nothing and have nothing. Silvers have powers and reds don’t which makes Mare totally different from everyone else. Mare gets a job in the palace and learns that she has electric abilities like a silver but still clearly has red blood. To cover this up the king and queen make up a story and betroth her to their youngest son. Throughout the book Mare has to chose who's side she's on and what she is going to do to help save everyone. This is a good, suspenseful book with some romance and betrayal. I recommend this to any futuristic, post-apocalyptic, book lovers who also enjoy a little romance! This book truly keeps you on your toes. It reminds me of The Lunar Chronicles in many ways.

Check it out!