Friday, November 18, 2016

Sirensong by Jenna Black

Dana’s life just can’t get back to normal which, with who her father is and her being a Faeriewalker, it's no surprise. Dana gets invited to Faerie by one of the queens but everyone is afraid it will be too dangerous, but if she were to not go it could put her in even more danger. So Dana, her father, Ethan, Kimber, Keene and some other guards as well as the queen's son, Prince Henry, all set of for the queen's palace in Faerie. It’s a rough journey through Faerie but they finally make it to find out that not everyone is who they say they are and then something goes completely wrong sending Dana running for her life. My favorite thing about this book is that you get to learn more about Faerie since it doesn't mainly take place in Avalon. In the first two books I was always curious about Faerie in general and what Dana would think of it. If you had any questions about Faerie this book helps answer them. To me Faerie reminds me of the City of Glass in Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments Series. This book is definitely for the Fae lovers and anyone who enjoyed the first two books, it is a nice addition to the series.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu

Lucy’s mom is a hoarder, like a get on the show "Hoarders" kind of hoarder. Lucy doesn’t tell anyone about her mom and hasn’t her whole life. None of her friends have ever been to her house and the only people who know is her and her siblings. This secret has been kept for a long time until Lucy is faced with a problem where she might have to tell everyone. But still she fights and works to keep it hidden. This book was emotional, controversial and in some way gross. It is wonderfully descriptive and mainly takes place in Lucy's head. If you don't know what living with a hoarder is like this book is so descriptive you practically live it yourself. It takes place in only 24 hours and the pace is perfect. I recommend this book to people who like deep topics, ones that you have to be brave to really delve into. This book is not for the faint of heart or sensitive people. It's dramatic, descriptive, and so deep.

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We Were Liars by E.L. Lockhart
Cut by Patricia McCormik
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Revived by Cat Patrick

Daisy is apart of a secret government mission that involves her being brought back to life after a bus crash she was in when she was young. Whenever she dies throughout her life they use a serum called revived to bring her back, each time they have to move again and change last names. Everything flows fairly smoothly in her life until she moves after an allergic reaction to bees. In her new town she meets Matt and Audrey McKean who change her life and cause her to start questioning everything. This book is definitely on my top 5 right now. It was very well written and different from the normal flow of YA books lately. Most people either LOVE this book or hate it. I recommend this book to the slight adventure with a little romance seekers.

Books like this!
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau
The Unquiet by Jeannine Garsee
Divergent by Veronica Roth

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Another Day by David Levithan

This is the ‘sequel’ of Everyday. It essentially is the same story but in Rhiannon’s perspective. It shows her side of things, and how she felt. I honestly don't know what to say about this book. I liked seeing the other side of Everyday but it was more repetitive. I guess if you liked Everyday you'd like this one. I do agree with most reviewers that Everyday did not need a sequel, it was good stand alone. Don't go into this book thinking that it's a continuation of the first one. You WILL be disappointed.

Check it out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fracture by Megan Miranda

Delaney Maxwell died. There’s no other way to describe it. Her heart stopped and her body shut down bust somehow after about 30 minutes of CPR she came back. Ever since she came back she gets strange pulls and sensations that she can’t control or explain, and she doesn’t know if it something she should be scared of or something to embrace. I'm not going to lie, this isn't one of my favorite books. It's good but it was also very confusing, I never really could tell where the author was trying to go. I just found out that there is a sequel and that does make a lot more sense. Even though I didn't particularly like this book I am curious to read the sequel. I honestly don't know who to recommend this book to, and it's not because it sucked it's just because it's really hard for me to even explain what it's about. So I'm just going to leave you with some books I think that are similar to it.

Books like this!
Every Day by David Levithan
Just One Day by Gayle Foreman

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Monday, November 7, 2016

If I Should Die by Amy Plum

After the shocking ending of the last book how can you not read this one??? Vincent is gone, SAY WHAT??? This book starts off with Kate and Vincent’s kindred are trying to figure out how to save Vincent before Violet destroys him for good. Even though Vincent is gone, Kate won't give up the sliver of hope there is to save him. Violet is about to start a full out war with the revenants and there’s no way to avoid it. The ending of this book is absolutely amazing! It honestly couldn't have ended any better. Like all fans of this series I do want another book but you always feel that with a really good series. As much as I want this story to continue I just feel like it would be stretching it too far. Ever story has an end eventually.

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Fallen by Lauren Kate
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Friday, November 4, 2016

The Siren by Kiera Cass

Kahlan and her family get into a shipwreck and there is a point in time where she knows that it’s almost inevitable that they’re all going to die. Suddenly a voice in her head asks if she wants to live, and she says yes not knowing the strings attached to it. After agreeing to live, she is destined to become a siren that is bound by the ocean for hundreds of years. She isn't allowed to speak to anyone but other sirens, she moves from place to place with her other sister sirens. This book isn't a romance novel. There is romance in it but it is mainly filled with family, travel, and mystery. I recommend this to three type of people. One, lovers of Kiera Cass because if you loved her voice and writing in her other books you'll love this one. Two, if you like stories with ocean and mermaids. Three, you definitely should read this book if you like both of these things!

Books like this!
(haven't read too many books like this but goodreads recommends)
Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson
Lure by Stephanie Jenkins
Seven Tears Into the Sea by Terri Farley

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

Sebastian Morgenstern, Clary’s brother, is wreaking havoc on the world again, turning shadow hunters against each other. He has found a way to turn shadow hunters into a nightmarish creature, and he uses these newly made creatures to create an army. Of course Clary and Jace must help the other shadow hunters to stop him but like all things in their life, it isn’t without sacrifice.This is the final book in what's been a very long series. I do agree it should have stopped sooner but that doesn't make me love it any less. Although long and repetitive I have not read anything quite unique. I give this series as a whole 4.5 stars. I will say if you are interested in this series be prepared for a long run, it took me all summer and that was reading almost all of the time.

Series like this!
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Fallen by Lauren Kate
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

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