Monday, October 3, 2016

Cut by Patricia McCormick

Callie cuts herself, never too deep just enough to feel the pain. She gets put into Saint Pines, a treatment facility, when her parents decide they don't know how to help her. Callie has nothing to do with anyone at the facility, she just keeps to herself. But throughout the story she slowly opens up and even starts to make friends. Callie wants to get better and go home but she doesn't think she can stop cutting. I'll admit this book was a little different and strange. Having dealt with this sort of stuff it was a little rough at some points for me to read. This book is very controversial, as is this topic in society today, so there are a lot of mixed reviews on this book. I think that you should read this book if you're curious about cutting, depression or these kind of treatment facilities. I will warn you if you have a history of cutting this could be a very triggering book for you, as it was for me.

Books like this!
I'll admit, I've never read a book like this but Goodreads suggests:
Cutters Don't Cry by Christine Dzidrums
The Luckiest Girl In the World by Steven Levenkron
Scars by Sheryl Rainfield

Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Delanie: I read and "enjoyed" this book, too--it is powerful and disturbing, but important to help people understand each other's struggles. It reminds me of Padian's Wrecked and Anderson's Speak.
