Saturday, January 21, 2017

Short Story Saturday!- Dear Reader

Dear Reader,
I’ve stood pretty still for most of my life. I like my home, and maybe that’s why I’m here for so long, although I don’t really know. Most of my days are spent in the same spot except the occasional, often exhilarating moment where I get to leave this spot and am fed the attention I constantly crave, the attention I need to survive. We all need it, all of us in this place but some more than others. Newbies get more of it, and feel it’s because they need it more than others. Oldies, like me, don’t get it much, we’re not new and shiny anymore. Kids don’t run to us with grubby hands eager to hear what we have to say. Even adults forget about us from time to time. It takes someone some time, and digging and even then they might look but decide on another. It’s rather suspenseful, and exciting but it often gets followed by disappointment.
During my younger days, I wished to spend more time in my home, I felt that I never got a break, no chance to breathe, but these days I long to be taken away. I want to feel my insides move! I dream about stretching out, bending my spine, feeling that sigh of relief after a good stretch. I need to ruffle out everything that’s gotten stale from sitting so long. Breathe in the fresh air, even if it’s not fresh! I don’t even care anymore, it’s different and that’s all I want. Different air.
It’s hard sometimes as the years go on. Getting fed less and less. I crave to be picked up, to have someone’s hands on me! I try my best to call out to any passerby but I’ve lost that voice I had long ago. It’s been so long since I’ve been held that I don’t think I remember what it’s like. Sadness hits me to think of it that way but it’s the truth. That feeling is lost, taken away by mountains of time. Time is hard to track from where I am but I’m sure it’s been awhile since I first got here.
I’ll admit, it gets rather lonely here on my perch. None of us can talk or move without the help of someone else. Our keeper occasionally moves us around, but all it does is change our view of the room but that’s not really what we desire. I have a great story to tell! I promise! iI just need people who are ready to hear it. I’m running out of options and I know what they do to things like us when we get old. I’ve seen it many times but I never thought it’d get to my turn. I know that we all have to go sometime, I’m just afraid that my story will get lost in the ocean waves of others.
I believe in my heart that other’s stories are equally important but mine is too! So, I’m begging you. Please don’t forget who I am. Don’t forget my story, it truly is a good one. If you remember then I know that there will always be hope. All it takes is one person to spread my tale like wildfire, and that’s all I am asking you to do! I believe in you!


Just another book on a shelf waiting to be read.

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